直击本质:WPF 框架是如何实现模态窗口的

想知道你在 WPF 编写 Window.ShowDialog() 之后,WPF 框架是如何帮你实现模态窗口的吗?



WPF 显示模态窗口的方法就是 Window.ShowDialog,因此我们直接进入这个方法查看。由于 .NET Core 版本的 WPF 已经开源,我们会使用 .NET Core 版本的 WPF 源代码。

Window.ShowDialog 的源代码可以在这里查看:


public Nullable<bool> ShowDialog()
    // NOTE:
    // _threadWindowHandles is created here.  This reference is nulled out in EnableThreadWindows
    // when it is called with a true parameter.  Please do not null it out anywhere else.
    // EnableThreadWindow(true) is called when dialog is going away.  Once dialog is closed and
    // thread windows have been enabled, then there no need to keep the array list around.
    // Please see BUG 929740 before making any changes to how _threadWindowHandles works.
    _threadWindowHandles = new ArrayList();
    //Get visible and enabled windows in the thread
    // If the callback function returns true for all windows in the thread, the return value is true.
    // If the callback function returns false on any enumerated window, or if there are no windows
    // found in the thread, the return value is false.
    // No need for use to actually check the return value.
                                            new NativeMethods.EnumThreadWindowsCallback(ThreadWindowsCallback),
    //disable those windows

        _showingAsDialog = true;
        // NOTE:
        // See BUG 929740.
        // _threadWindowHandles is created before calling ShowDialog and is deleted in
        // EnableThreadWindows (when it's called with true).
        // Window dlg = new Window();
        // Button b = new button();
        // b.OnClick += new ClickHandler(OnClick);
        // dlg.ShowDialog();
        // void OnClick(...)
        // {
        //      dlg.Close();
        //      throw new Exception();
        // }
        // If above code is written, then we get inside this exception handler only after the dialog
        // is closed.  In that case all the windows that we disabled before showing the dialog have already
        // been enabled and _threadWindowHandles set to null in EnableThreadWindows.  Thus, we don't
        // need to do it again.
        // In any other exception cases, we get in this handler before Dialog is closed and thus we do
        // need to enable all the disable windows.
        if (_threadWindowHandles != null)
            // Some exception case. Re-enable the windows that were disabled


  1. EnumThreadWindows 获取当前线程的所有窗口
  2. 把当前线程中的所有窗口都禁用掉(用的是 Win32 API 的禁用哦,这不会导致窗口内控件的样式变为禁用状态)
  3. 将窗口显示出来(如果出现异常,则还原之前禁用的窗口)



接下来的重点方法是 Window.ShowDialog 中的那句 Show()。在 Show() 之前设置了 _showingAsDialogtrue,于是这里会调用 ShowHelper 方法并传入 true

下面的代码也是精简后的 ShowHelper 方法:

private object ShowHelper(object booleanBox)
        // tell users we're going modal

        _dispatcherFrame = new DispatcherFrame();
        // tell users we're going non-modal

可以看到,重点是 PushModalPopModal 以及 PushFrame

PushFrame 的效果就是让调用 ShowDialog 的代码看起来就像阻塞了一样(实际上就是阻塞了,只不过开了新的消息循环看起来 UI 不卡)。

关于 PushFrame 为什么能够“阻塞”你的代码的同时还能继续响应 UI 操作的原理,可以阅读:

那么 ComponentDispatcher.PushModalComponentDispatcher.PopModal 呢?可以在这里(ComponentDispatcherThread.cs)看它的代码,实际上是为了模态计数以及引发事件的,对模态的效果没有本质上的影响。

本文会经常更新,请阅读原文: https://blog.walterlv.com/post/how-does-wpf-implement-modal-dialog.html ,以避免陈旧错误知识的误导,同时有更好的阅读体验。

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