Visual Studio 也开始支持 Ctrl 点击跳转了,于是需要解决跟 ReSharper 的冲突

微软在 2017年10月9日 发布了 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4.0。而这个版本带来了大家期待已久的 Ctrl+Click 跳转到定义的功能。然而……ReSharper 也是这样的快捷键,也是这样的功能!!!


这里可以阅读发布日志:Visual Studio 2017 15.4 Release Notes


  • We added the popular Productivity Power Tools navigation feature Control Click Go To Definition to the core Visual Studio product.
    • For supported languages (currently C#, VB and Python, with more languages coming in future releases), holding down the Ctrl key will allow you to click on a symbol in the Visual Studio editor and navigate to its definition.
    • If you prefer to keep the older Ctrl+Click word selection behavior, you can control the feature’s key usage via Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Enable mouse click to perform Go To Definition, which lets you select other modifier keys, or turn off the feature if you wish.

所以 Visual Studio 和 ReSharper 开始冲突,具体表现为,点击跳转到定义后,如果鼠标在转到定义之后刚好还落在另一个单词上,那么还会跳转到那个新的单词,非常恶心!

只恶心自己就好了,为了防止恶心到大家,我找了几天,终于分别找到了 Visual Studio 和 ReSharper 两者的设置项。如下图,关掉一个就好了。

Visual Studio 和 ReSharper 中的设置

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