Why Unload Twice

Why WPF sometimes unloaded twice? It really confused me.

Sometimes WPF raise unload event twice. In this case, it happens when a logical tree is build all by myself. Why unload twice? It really confused me.

Any help would be appreciated! The repo: walterlv/why-unload-twice @ GitHub

Why the _problemChild unloaded twice?

How to reproduce it ?

  1. Clone this repository;
  2. Run/Debug;
  3. Click Add Child button several times;
  4. Every time you click Delete Child, you’ll got Content Unloaded output twice.

Key points

Key points(zh-CHS) - 复现此问题的关键

  1. 为一个 TemplatedControlCustomControl) 定制非默认模板(不放在 Generic.xaml 中的模板);
  2. 这个控件包含视觉子级和逻辑子级,并且这两个不是同一个对象;
  3. 将这个控件同时从视觉树和逻辑树中移除(两个移除顺序不重要,但一定是无中断的);

这时你会观察到从这个控件的逻辑子级开始向所有子节点递归引发 Unloaded 事件,然后又从这个控件本身开始向所有子节点递归引发 Unloaded 事件,于是所有子节点都会连续发生两次 Unloaded 事件。

Key points(zh-CHT) - 復現此問題的關鍵

  1. 為一個 TemplatedControlCustomControl) 定制非默認模板(不放在 Generic.xaml 中的模板);
  2. 這個控件包含視覺子級和邏輯子級,並且這兩個不是同一個對象;
  3. 將這個控件同時從視覺樹和邏輯樹中移除(兩個移除順序不重要,但一定是無中斷的);

這時你會觀察到從這個控件的邏輯子級開始向所有子節點遞歸引發Unloaded 事件,然後又從這個控件本身開始向所有子節點遞歸引發Unloaded 事件,於是所有子節點都會連續發生兩次Unloaded 事件。

Stacks of this issue

When a non-generic style of Child is added, the Unloaded event will be raised of these two operations.

Removing from visual tree with non-generic style
Removing from visual tree with non-generic style

Removing from logical tree with non-generic style
Removing from logical tree with non-generic style

When only the generic style of Child is defined, the Unloaded event will be raised of only one operations.

Removing from visual tree with generic style
Removing from visual tree with generic style

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